Kingdom: Legendary War, Kingdom: Legendary War (2021)
Kingdom: Legendary War 2021 VietSub, Kingdom: Legendary War 2021
"Kingdom: Legendary War VietSub" is the highly anticipated sequel to Mnet's "Road to Kingdom." This program aims to select the most outstanding 'Kings' among six representative male idol groups in the Korean music industry, including BTOB, iKON, SF9, The Boyz, Stray Kids, and ATEEZ.
BTOB is loved for their soft and harmonious performances, and they are expected to showcase a unique and captivating reverse stage.
iKON is the first group to participate in this survival program, attracting attention from the online community as they represent the renowned YG Entertainment.
SF9, with their members who have established successful solo activities, is also anticipated to demonstrate their presence on the stage.
The Boyz, the champions of "Road to Kingdom," will challenge themselves with a new aspect of being 'stage artists.'
Stray Kids, pioneers in the new genre of 'Maramat Music,' will surely bring their innovative performances to the forefront.
ATEEZ, as a K-pop group known for their shining performances, is currently capturing attention.
The MCs of "Kingdom" are TVXQ, also known as the 'K-Pop Emperors.'