Ma Đổi Đèn: Bí Mật Mộ Chi Long Lĩnh, Dragon Labyrinth (2020)
Ma Đổi Đèn: Bí Mật Mộ Chi Long Lĩnh 2020 , Dragon Labyrinth 2020
Dragon Labyrinth (2020) is a webmovie directed by Phác Thành Thục and starring Triệu Lôi Kỳ, Khang Ninh, and Lâm Vũ Thân. Set in China, the film is based on the famous novel series "Ma Thổi Đèn" and revolves around the journey to explore the secret underground labyrinth in Long Lĩnh by Hồ Bát Nhất and his friends. However, this time, Tuyết Lị Dương appears, investigating a mysterious type of dragon bone script found there. With a common goal, the five individuals embark on a dangerous adventure, hoping to find the answers they seek and uncover the mysteries that lie within.